My Why for Gift Giving
I have a few really tough people in my circle who I buy gifts for. It seems like every time, I go through this period of “why bother … they’re not going to like it anyway.” After I wallow around in those feelings for a bit, I eventually get to the point where I remember my “why.”
I’m trying to make them happy. I want to bring a smile to their face. Ultimately, though, making others happy is not my job. I don’t have that power. Happiness comes from inside. I give gifts because the whole process – from thinking about what would make them happy to watching them unwrap the package – makes me happy.
I think about my person. I think about what has elicited smiles in the past. I think about what I’ve heard my person say and seen her do. What’s important to her? How does she enjoy spending her free time? How does she relax and find peace?
If this was a venn diagram, the gift would lie in the overlap! Or maybe one of the circles is bigger – because it’s more important to her than the others. Maybe that’s where the gift ideas are positioned.
At the end of the day, though, my “why” is my happiness. I choose gifts thoughtfully and intentionally with the goal of making my person smile. In doing so, I find happiness.
Happy gifting!